Party of Communists USA

Digital Communications Conduct Policy

Digital Communications Conduct Policy (edited July 20, 2024)

“The Bolsheviks could not have retained power for two and a half months, let alone two and a half years, without the most rigorous and truly iron discipline in our Party.” —Vladimir Lenin

Section 1. Policy Brief & Purpose

Our digital communications conduct policy provides a framework for using digital communications. Whether members are handling a Party account or their personal account, they must remain principled and professional. This policy provides standards and guidelines to avoid issues that might arise by careless use of digital communications in the Party.

Section 2. Scope

All members (candidate and cadre) of the Party of Communists USA shall follow the Digital Communications Conduct Policy.

Section 3. Policy Elements

Digital Communications” refers to any form of remote communication. This includes media such as blogs, social networks, chat rooms, forums, instant messaging, voice calls, etc. This policy covers all of them.

This policy covers two different elements: personal digital communications and representing our Party and/or its mass organizations through digital communications.

Section 4. Rules for All Members of the Party

  1. Members shall not communicate any views online which are contrary to the line of the Party.
  2. Members shall not engage in digital communications which promote factionalism or work towards the creation of a faction in the Party.
  3. Cadre and candidates shall not discuss internal Party issues in public online spaces. Cadre and candidates found to break this rule will be subject to progressive discipline.
  4. In the event that someone leaks internal Party information, no member is allowed to respond to it because it agitates the destructive behavior further; leaking internal Party information will result in censure, suspension, or expulsion depending on the severity of the incident.
  5. All actions of all Party members online are reflective of the Party. Therefore, members are expected to remain professional online and avoid petty debates.
  6. No member, regardless of status in the Party, is allowed to engage in online communications that feature themselves taking part in illegal activity, using federally illegal substances or abusing legal drugs, including alcohol.
  7. Party members are not allowed to glorify/romanticize armed struggle in online communications, because the Party does not promote or condone revolutionary adventurism.
  8. Any hijacking of any Party digital communications platforms will result in strict punishments.

Section 5. Rules for Leadership Members

The rules and regulations for all members apply to leaders as well, but added to this are the following additional points:

  1. Good representation as a member of the Party is important, and destructive representation will be subject to progressive discipline. Party leaders are upheld to a different standard which can make such punishments harsher.
  2. Attempts to slander the PCUSA and/or its members as a leader of the Party will be subject to corrective action ranging from censures to temporary removal of a position within the Party. More specifically,
  • Members of the PCUSA shall not present any criticism of the PCUSA on public digital communications, i.e. communications involving non-Party members.
  • Members of the PCUSA shall refrain from rumor mongering and gossip in all communications, both internal and external, as well.

Section 6. Rules for Comrades on Leave of Absence

Some members of the Party will take temporary breaks in regard to struggles in their lives. This however does not remove one’s status as a member of the Party and therefore they will be subject to the rules of this document.

Section 7. Email and Miscellaneous Digital Communications Limitations

  1. Members shall not use the Party email list to send spam, junk, or unnecessary email.
    1. Email policy shall be extended to communication apps(Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal, etc.)
    2. Communication apps like Telegram are not a substitute for Party meetings.
  2. Emails which concern internal Party matters should use only the Party’s internal email server.
  3. Party Communication channels shall not be used for soliciting aid for personal finances.

Section 8. Social Media Posts

Representing Our Party

Some members represent our Party by handling Party social media accounts or speak on our Party’s behalf. Party members shall act carefully and responsibly to protect our Party’s image and reputation. Members shall:

  1. Be respectful, polite and patient when engaging in conversations on our Party’s behalf. Party members must exercise caution when making declarations towards non-Party members.
  2. Avoid speaking on matters outside your field of expertise when possible. Everyone should be careful not to answer questions or make statements that fall under somebody else’s responsibility.
  3. Be observant on laws regarding copyright, trademarks, plagiarism and fair use.
  4. Inform our General Secretary and/or National Chair when the member is about to share any content which is pertinent to the Party as a whole.
  5. When representing the Party, never engage in online communication with people who are acting in bad faith (e.g. trolls).
  6. Correct or remove any misleading or false content as quickly as possible.

Section 9. Disciplinary Consequences

The Party will take disciplinary action if members do not follow this policy’s guidelines. Examples of non-conformity with the digital communications conduct policy include but are not limited to:

  • Disclosing confidential information through personal or Party accounts.
  • Directing needlessly offensive comments towards other members of the online community.

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