The Worker – Publication of the Central Committee of the Party of Communists USA
The Worker continues as the progressive voice for the working class. The Worker stands for scientific socialism in the United States. It provides news and analysis of, by, and for the labor movements for our readers across the country and around the world. With a small but dedicated staff and a nation-wide network of volunteer writers, The Worker presents insights into local, national, and international struggles from the perspectives of those who are experiencing them. It’s an angle you won’t find in the capitalist corporate press. We are very proudly partisan for the working class
The Worker is the true direct lineage of the Daily Worker newspaper, founded by communists, socialists, union members, and other activists in Chicago in 1924. On the front page of its first edition, the paper declared that “big business interests, bankers, merchant princes, landlords, and other profiteers” should fear the Daily Worker. It pledged to “raise the standards of struggle against the few who rob an plunder the working class.”
The Worker not only continues in the vein of the fundamentals set by the Daily Worker but also continues to follow the guidelines for Communist Party press set by the Third Communist International, 1919. We are celebrating that 100th Anniversary this year.
The publication has gone through a number of nameplates and mastheads over the years, but that same tradition of fighting, working-class journalism continues.
Today, The Worker offers a news platform for the broad labor-led people’s movement– a voice for workers, the unemployed, people of color, immigrants, women, youth, seniors, LGBTQ people, cultural workers, students and people with disabilities. We exclusively represent the stories of the disenfranchised working class, oppressed nationalities, an a vicious opponent for those being oppressed by imperialism of the fascist movement plaguing our world today.
The Worker continues to be the only Communist newspaper in America to feature Marxist analysis and opinion developed by a Communist Party as well as voices from other currents of the labor and people’s movements.
For almost a century, The Worker and its predecessor publications have taken the side of the 99 percent and worked to promote the struggle for a sustainable environment, jobs, democracy, peace, and equality. Members of our writers and editors belong to the National Writers’ Union.
Submit your stories of local happenings in your community to:
You are the eyes and ears of the working class in your community!
1921 Third Communist International Report on the role of the Party Press
Oct. 1, 1924 PDF of Daily Worker
Oct. 2, 1924 PDF of Daily Worker
Oct. 17, 1924 PDF of Daily Worker
2019 The Worker – Vol. 4 Issue 1, Vol. 4 Issue 2, Vol. 4 Issue 3, Vol. 4 Issue 4,
2020 The Worker
2022 The Worker Vol. 5 Issue 1
The Communist – Theoretical Journal of the Party of Communists USA

New Masses – Magazine of the Arts & Culture Commission of the Party of Communists USA

Ideological Fightback – Original Party of Communists USA Theoretical Journal